Danielle Decola
"The beauty in simplicity and abstraction. Uncomplicated shapes with muted colors provide an elegance to nature that I feel is sometimes overlooked. Most of my paintings are not of one specific place but are an organic representation of the combination of time and nature. The soft and somewhat uncontrollable qualities of wet-on-wet watercolor painting allows me to achieve this feel, which I hope will inspire viewers to consider the beautiful fragility in the natural world around them.”
Morning Glow
16x20 watercolor on paper
Standing Tall
30x48 oil and acrylic on canvas
Color Tide
11x14 watercolor on paper
Winter Light
8x10 watercolor on paper
The Shade of Grey
11x14 watercolor on paper
7.5 x 10 watercolor on paper
Salty Blue
16x20 watercolor on paper
Morning Mist
11x14 watercolor on paper
A Singular Moment
11x14 watercolor on paper